
Purpose and Innovation

SlamChain will serve as the commercial district for web3 builders and end-users to transact through data-powered, smart contract applications - whose parallels are massive in traditional economies, but due to limitations of oracles and other web3 infrastructure, don't currently exist in web3 economies.

Which applications exactly? The flagship applications will allow trading of DEFI derivatives and synthetic assets pegged to authoritative market benchmarks, such as the CryptoSlam 500 NFT Index and the myriad of related subsector indices. Traders will now be able to speculate on the upward or downward movements of any industry benchmark or data point deemed valuable by .slam NFT holders.

But as large as this flagship opportunity is, it's still only the beginning. Any data source that has enriched, proprietary off-chain data can now bring it on-chain and license it to application developers who can share their innovations with end-users. These innovations are only possible with a custom-designed SlamChain.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Gas-Free Enriched Data Access: A fundamental feature of SlamChain is the ability for approved data providers to feed enriched, proprietary data onto the chain without incurring cost-prohibitive gas fees. This unlocks all of the applications originally promised by traditional oracles, but largely unrealized (except for heavily-used, low-overhead swap applications that rely on token price oracles).

  • Decentralized Data Governance: .slam NFT holders, through the SlamNet DAO, play a direct role in determining which enriched, proprietary data streams will be most valued by the ecosystem and should be fed gas-free onto SlamChain and accessible by any application developer. This ensures that the blockchain remains lean and scalable, containing only the enriched data most valued by the application developers and end-users within the ecosystem.

  • Data Monetization Through Licensing: Data providers on SlamChain can monetize their contributions through a smart contract-governed licensing model. This allows data providers to extract license fees (in the form of $SLAM) from any transaction that utilizes its data. By doing this, the fee size can now be directly proportional to the amount of the transaction (which can be very large), rather than simply the amount of data accessed (which can be very small for the same transaction) which is common with traditional data access methods.

Integration Within the SlamNet Ecosystem

SlamChain is intricately woven into the fabric of the SlamNet ecosystem. $SLAM will secure the blockchain and be the gas token for any transaction that occurs (aside from the gas-free feeding of enriched data mentioned above). SlamLink will serve as the backbone for enriched data fed onto SlamChain and, as mentioned, data privileges will be governed by .slam NFT holders.

Future Vision

SlamChain will exist as fundamental infrastructure for the global web3 economy, bringing commercial and financial applications from traditional economies on-chain. This will be accomplished by incentivizing their development with proper value transfer and responsible web3 governance.

Last updated