
Emblems are the on-chain method of recognition for .slam NFT holders. Each NFT may optionally contain one or more Emblems in its metadata that were awarded by the SlamNet DAO for loyalty achievements and special contributions to the SlamNet ecosystem.


Emblems may be awarded at either NFT mint or post-mint for special contributors, and post-mint for loyalty achievements. They are attached to the .slam NFT with an on-chain transaction by the SlamNet DAO (free of charge to the holder).

In general, most newly-claimed .slam NFTs are minted bare with no Emblems. But every .slam NFT has the ability to earn Emblems through loyalty achievements and special contributions.

Benefits & Privileges

Each Emblem may or may not have special benefits and privileges attached to it within SlamNet's governance, platform usage, potential airdrops, content access and gated Discord channel access. These benefits and privileges are set by the SlamNet DAO and may change at any time.

Creation & Retirement of Awardable Emblem Types

The SlamNet DAO can approve new awardable Emblems or retire existing Emblems at its discretion. When an Emblem is retired, additional Emblems of that type can no longer be awarded, but all awarded and attached Emblems of that type will remain attached to the .slam NFT.

Emblem Types

Here is a list of current awardable Emblem types:

  • SlamMaster Emblem - For heavy users of the platform

  • Genesis Emblem - For early adopters of the platform during its launch phase

  • Unity Emblem - For those acknowledged for their diverse and valuable presence within the SlamNet ecosystem

  • Pioneer Emblem - For early contributors to the platform before and during its launch phase

  • Founder's Shield - For early supporters of CryptoSlam, SlamNet's founding launch partner

  • Slammer Shield - For team members who contributed to SlamNet's launch

  • DAO Crest - For elected community members who served the DAO in the SLAM Senate or the House of SLAM

Last updated